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005.133 DUC
005 Logiciels et utilisations de l'ordinateur : langages de programmation (Basic, C, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol...), programmation des calculatrices et jeux informatiques, systèmes d'exploitation (DOS, Windows, Linux...), logiciels (tableurs, traitements de texte, publication assistée par ordinateur = PAO, intégrés, systèmes de gestion de bases de données = SGBD, dessin assisté par ordinateur = DAO), infographie (images virtuelles), multimédia et cédéroms (du point de vue de leur contenu documentaire)
005.1 BEL
005.1 BEN
005.1 COD
005.1 GUS
005.1 LOM
005.1 LON
005.107 DUR
005.107 EXE
005.11 BAR
005.117 KAR
005.13 GAU
005.133 (C)
005.133 (Visual C-Dièse)
005.133 ALG
005.133 ASP.NET
005.133 BER
005.133 C
005.133 C plus-plus
005.133 COM
005.133 DEF
005.133 DEL
005.133 GRA
005.133 HTML
005.133 Java
005.133 KIN
005.133 PHP
005.133 VB .NET
005.133 Visual BASIC
005.133 Visual Basic pour applications
005.133 WAN
005.133 XML
005.24 GIL
005.276 2
005.368.4 Programmes informatiques pour les interfaces particulières d'utilisateurs des ordinateurs personnels (logiciels pour interfaces utilisateurs particulières ; programmes fonctionnant sur les interfaces particulières d'utilisateurs autres que l'interface d'origine du système d'exploitation : Microsoft Windows® versions 3.x, etc
005.369 Access
005.369 Active Server Pages
005.369 AutoCAD
005.369 BEL
005.369 MySQL
005.369 Outlook
005.43 OUE
005.43 PON
005.43 RIF
005.43 ROH
005.432 (UNIX)
005.432 Linux
005.432 UNIX
005.453 AOU
005.52 COX
005.58 BEL
005.713 769
005.74 AMI
005.74 AUD
005.74 BEL
005.74 ORF
005.74 THA
005.740 65 Édition électronique, gestion électronique de documents
005.740 BAH
005.756 COX
005.8 BER
005.8 POS
005.8 VER
005.82 BAI
005.1 BEL
005.1 BEN
005.1 COD
005.1 GUS
005.1 LOM
005.1 LON
005.107 DUR
005.107 EXE
005.11 BAR
005.117 KAR
005.13 GAU
005.133 (C)
005.133 (Visual C-Dièse)
005.133 ALG
005.133 ASP.NET
005.133 BER
005.133 C
005.133 C plus-plus
005.133 COM
005.133 DEF
005.133 DEL
005.133 GRA
005.133 HTML
005.133 Java
005.133 KIN
005.133 PHP
005.133 VB .NET
005.133 Visual BASIC
005.133 Visual Basic pour applications
005.133 WAN
005.133 XML
005.24 GIL
005.276 2
005.368.4 Programmes informatiques pour les interfaces particulières d'utilisateurs des ordinateurs personnels (logiciels pour interfaces utilisateurs particulières ; programmes fonctionnant sur les interfaces particulières d'utilisateurs autres que l'interface d'origine du système d'exploitation : Microsoft Windows® versions 3.x, etc
005.369 Access
005.369 Active Server Pages
005.369 AutoCAD
005.369 BEL
005.369 MySQL
005.369 Outlook
005.43 OUE
005.43 PON
005.43 RIF
005.43 ROH
005.432 (UNIX)
005.432 Linux
005.432 UNIX
005.453 AOU
005.52 COX
005.58 BEL
005.713 769
005.74 AMI
005.74 AUD
005.74 BEL
005.74 ORF
005.74 THA
005.740 65 Édition électronique, gestion électronique de documents
005.740 BAH
005.756 COX
005.8 BER
005.8 POS
005.8 VER
005.82 BAI
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 005.133 DUC
Affiner la recherchePHP & MySQL / Duckett, Jon
Titre : PHP & MySQL : Server-side Web Development Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Duckett, Jon, Auteur Editeur : willy Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 668 p Présentation : ill Format : 19x23.5 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-11-914922-4 Prix : 42.90 EUR Note générale : Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Server-side Web Development Index. décimale : 005.133 DUC Résumé : Learn PHP, the programming language used to build sites like Facebook, Wikipedia and WordPress, then discover how these sites store information in a database (MySQL) and use the database to create the web pages.
This full-color book is packed with inspiring code examples, infographics and photography that not only teach you the PHP language and how to work with databases, but also show you how to build new applications from scratch. It demonstrates practical techniques that you will recognize from popular sites where visitors can:
* Register as a member and log in
* Create articles, posts and profiles that are saved in a database
* Upload their own images and files
* Automatically receive email notifications
* Like and comment on posts.
To show you how to apply the skills you learn, you will build a complete content management system, enhanced with features that are commonly seen on social networks.
Written by best-selling HTML & CSS and JavaScript & jQuery author Jon Duckett, this book uses a unique visual approach, with step-by-step instructions, practical code examples and pro tips that will teach you how to build modern database-driven websites using PHP.PHP & MySQL : Server-side Web Development [texte imprimé] / Duckett, Jon, Auteur . - [S.l.] : willy, 2022 . - 668 p : ill ; 19x23.5 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-11-914922-4 : 42.90 EUR
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Server-side Web Development Index. décimale : 005.133 DUC Résumé : Learn PHP, the programming language used to build sites like Facebook, Wikipedia and WordPress, then discover how these sites store information in a database (MySQL) and use the database to create the web pages.
This full-color book is packed with inspiring code examples, infographics and photography that not only teach you the PHP language and how to work with databases, but also show you how to build new applications from scratch. It demonstrates practical techniques that you will recognize from popular sites where visitors can:
* Register as a member and log in
* Create articles, posts and profiles that are saved in a database
* Upload their own images and files
* Automatically receive email notifications
* Like and comment on posts.
To show you how to apply the skills you learn, you will build a complete content management system, enhanced with features that are commonly seen on social networks.
Written by best-selling HTML & CSS and JavaScript & jQuery author Jon Duckett, this book uses a unique visual approach, with step-by-step instructions, practical code examples and pro tips that will teach you how to build modern database-driven websites using PHP.Réservation
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