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519.5 DAV
519 Probabilités, Statistique, Mathématiques financières
519 ABD
519.076 LEC
519.076 PHA
519.1 Mathématiques appliquées, probabilités (statistiques mathématiques
519.2 BRE
519.2 CAU
519.2 CHE
519.2 COU
519.2 GAR
519.2 GRA
519.2 JOU
519.2 LEG
519.2 LES
519.2 MEL
519.2 PRI
519.2 SSE
519.2 TRA
519.207 CHE
519.23 GIR
519.23 LAL
519.28 ATL
519.5 ANA
519.5 AND
519.5 BIS
519.5 CAR
519.5 COM
519.5 DEL
519.5 ECH
519.5 GIR
519.5 HAD
519.5 HUB
519.5 JOU
519.5 LEE
519.5 LEJ
519.5 MAR
519.5 MIL
519.5 PIL
519.5 ROU
519.5 SAV
519.5 statistiques mathématiques: méthode paramétrique
519.502 463
519.507 CHE
519.53 DAU
519.535 PAG
519.6 BIL
519.6 CAN
519.6 HUB
519.6 MET
519.63 CHA
519 ABD
519.076 LEC
519.076 PHA
519.1 Mathématiques appliquées, probabilités (statistiques mathématiques
519.2 BRE
519.2 CAU
519.2 CHE
519.2 COU
519.2 GAR
519.2 GRA
519.2 JOU
519.2 LEG
519.2 LES
519.2 MEL
519.2 PRI
519.2 SSE
519.2 TRA
519.207 CHE
519.23 GIR
519.23 LAL
519.28 ATL
519.5 ANA
519.5 AND
519.5 BIS
519.5 CAR
519.5 COM
519.5 DEL
519.5 ECH
519.5 GIR
519.5 HAD
519.5 HUB
519.5 JOU
519.5 LEE
519.5 LEJ
519.5 MAR
519.5 MIL
519.5 PIL
519.5 ROU
519.5 SAV
519.5 statistiques mathématiques: méthode paramétrique
519.502 463
519.507 CHE
519.53 DAU
519.535 PAG
519.6 BIL
519.6 CAN
519.6 HUB
519.6 MET
519.63 CHA
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 519.5 DAV
Affiner la rechercheQuantile Regression / Cristina, Davino
Titre : Quantile Regression : Theory and Applications Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Cristina, Davino ; Marilena, Furno ; Domenico, Vistocco Editeur : Wiley Année de publication : 2014 Collection : Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics Importance : 260 p Présentation : Graph., couv.ill. en coul. Format : 16*23.5 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-11-997528-1 Note générale : Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Quantile Regression Index. décimale : 519.5 DAV Résumé : This book explores the theory and numerous applications of quantile regression, offering empirical data analysis as well as the software tools to implement the methods.
The main focus of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive description of the main issues concerning quantile regression; these include basic modeling, geometrical interpretation, estimation and inference for quantile regression, as well as issues on validity of the model, diagnostic tools. Each methodological aspect is explored and followed by applications using real data.
Quantile Regression:
Presents a complete treatment of quantile regression methods, including, estimation, inference issues and application of methods.
Delivers a balance between methodolgy and application
Offers an overview of the recent developments in the quantile regression framework and why to use quantile regression in a variety of areas such as economics, finance and computing.
Features a supporting website (www.wiley.com/go/quantile_regression) hosting datasets along with R, Stata and SAS software code.
Researchers and PhD students in the field of statistics, economics, econometrics, social and environmental science and chemistry will benefit from this book.Quantile Regression : Theory and Applications [texte imprimé] / Cristina, Davino ; Marilena, Furno ; Domenico, Vistocco . - [S.l.] : Wiley, 2014 . - 260 p : Graph., couv.ill. en coul. ; 16*23.5 cm. - (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) .
ISBN : 978-1-11-997528-1
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Quantile Regression Index. décimale : 519.5 DAV Résumé : This book explores the theory and numerous applications of quantile regression, offering empirical data analysis as well as the software tools to implement the methods.
The main focus of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive description of the main issues concerning quantile regression; these include basic modeling, geometrical interpretation, estimation and inference for quantile regression, as well as issues on validity of the model, diagnostic tools. Each methodological aspect is explored and followed by applications using real data.
Quantile Regression:
Presents a complete treatment of quantile regression methods, including, estimation, inference issues and application of methods.
Delivers a balance between methodolgy and application
Offers an overview of the recent developments in the quantile regression framework and why to use quantile regression in a variety of areas such as economics, finance and computing.
Features a supporting website (www.wiley.com/go/quantile_regression) hosting datasets along with R, Stata and SAS software code.
Researchers and PhD students in the field of statistics, economics, econometrics, social and environmental science and chemistry will benefit from this book.Réservation
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