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530 WAL
530 Physique
Ouvrages généraux, Théories (dont théorie des quanta)
530 (Physique Ouvrages généraux, Théories (dont théorie des quanta))
530 BEU
530 DEV
530 EYM
530 FIZ
530 HAK
530 LUM
530 RAD
530.01 FRO
530.01 HAK
530.01 LES
530.02 KAR
530.02 PHY
530.06 BOU
530.07 CHO
530.07 CLA
530.07 ENO
530.07 LEY
530.07 MES
530.07 PET
530.07 PHY
530.07 THO
530.071 VIE
530.076 BAC
530.076 BER
530.076 BEU
530.076 ESC
530.076 PHY
530.076 SAL
530.076 SAN
530.076 THO
530.092 BAR
530.092 DIE
530.1 BLO
530.1 BOU
530.1 KAN
530.1 KLA
530.1 LAK
530.1 LAN
530.1 LIF
530.1 MES
530.1 PER
530.1 SHE
530.11 BEL
530.11 INT
530.11 LAM
530.11 MOO
530.11 PAR
530.11 SAL
530.11 SEM
530.11 TAH
530.11 VIL
530.12 AYA
530.12 AYO
530.12 CAR
530.12 COH
530.12 COR
530.12 DIU
530.12 DUB
530.12 FEY
530.12 FUK
530.12 GRE
530.12 LEO
530.12 MEC
530.12 SAF
530.120 ASL
530.13 ABR
530.13 HAN
530.13 LAN
530.13 MEJ
530.13 ROP
530.13 SAT
530.14 FIN
530.14 LEH
530.14 PHY
530.142 PLA
530.143 STO
530.143 SYS
530.145 MER
530.145 TEX
530.15 LES
530.15 MAM
530.15 POI
530.3 Dictionnaires et encyclopédies de physique
530.4 LAG
530.413 ILD
530.416 FOR
530.417 LAL
530.42 LEG
530.429 PIN
530.44 BAL
530.44 MEL
530.7 Etude et enseignement de la physique : ouvrages parascolaires, annales
530.7 WIL
530.8 BAR
530.9 Histoire de la physique, Biographies de physiciens
530 (Physique Ouvrages généraux, Théories (dont théorie des quanta))
530 BEU
530 DEV
530 EYM
530 FIZ
530 HAK
530 LUM
530 RAD
530.01 FRO
530.01 HAK
530.01 LES
530.02 KAR
530.02 PHY
530.06 BOU
530.07 CHO
530.07 CLA
530.07 ENO
530.07 LEY
530.07 MES
530.07 PET
530.07 PHY
530.07 THO
530.071 VIE
530.076 BAC
530.076 BER
530.076 BEU
530.076 ESC
530.076 PHY
530.076 SAL
530.076 SAN
530.076 THO
530.092 BAR
530.092 DIE
530.1 BLO
530.1 BOU
530.1 KAN
530.1 KLA
530.1 LAK
530.1 LAN
530.1 LIF
530.1 MES
530.1 PER
530.1 SHE
530.11 BEL
530.11 INT
530.11 LAM
530.11 MOO
530.11 PAR
530.11 SAL
530.11 SEM
530.11 TAH
530.11 VIL
530.12 AYA
530.12 AYO
530.12 CAR
530.12 COH
530.12 COR
530.12 DIU
530.12 DUB
530.12 FEY
530.12 FUK
530.12 GRE
530.12 LEO
530.12 MEC
530.12 SAF
530.120 ASL
530.13 ABR
530.13 HAN
530.13 LAN
530.13 MEJ
530.13 ROP
530.13 SAT
530.14 FIN
530.14 LEH
530.14 PHY
530.142 PLA
530.143 STO
530.143 SYS
530.145 MER
530.145 TEX
530.15 LES
530.15 MAM
530.15 POI
530.3 Dictionnaires et encyclopédies de physique
530.4 LAG
530.413 ILD
530.416 FOR
530.417 LAL
530.42 LEG
530.429 PIN
530.44 BAL
530.44 MEL
530.7 Etude et enseignement de la physique : ouvrages parascolaires, annales
530.7 WIL
530.8 BAR
530.9 Histoire de la physique, Biographies de physiciens
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 530 WAL
Affiner la rechercheSemiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel
Titre : Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Waltner, Daniel, Auteur Editeur : springer Année de publication : 2012 Collection : Springer tracts in modern physics num. Volume 245 Importance : 182 Seiten Format : 16*24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-24527-5 Prix : 181,89 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference [texte imprimé] / Waltner, Daniel, Auteur . - [S.l.] : springer, 2012 . - 182 Seiten ; 16*24 cm. - (Springer tracts in modern physics; Volume 245) .
ISBN : 978-3-642-24527-5 : 181,89 EUR
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité FS2012/0180-2 530 WAL Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Disponible Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel
Titre : Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Waltner, Daniel, Auteur Editeur : springer Année de publication : 2012 Collection : Springer tracts in modern physics num. Volume 245 Importance : 182 Seiten Format : 16*24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-24527-5 Prix : 181,89 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference [texte imprimé] / Waltner, Daniel, Auteur . - [S.l.] : springer, 2012 . - 182 Seiten ; 16*24 cm. - (Springer tracts in modern physics; Volume 245) .
ISBN : 978-3-642-24527-5 : 181,89 EUR
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel
Titre : Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Waltner, Daniel, Auteur Editeur : springer Année de publication : 2012 Collection : Springer tracts in modern physics num. Volume 245 Importance : 182 Seiten Format : 16*24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-24527-5 Prix : 181,89 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference [texte imprimé] / Waltner, Daniel, Auteur . - [S.l.] : springer, 2012 . - 182 Seiten ; 16*24 cm. - (Springer tracts in modern physics; Volume 245) .
ISBN : 978-3-642-24527-5 : 181,89 EUR
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel
Titre : Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Waltner, Daniel, Auteur Editeur : springer Année de publication : 2012 Collection : Springer tracts in modern physics num. Volume 245 Importance : 182 Seiten Format : 16*24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-24527-5 Prix : 181,89 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference [texte imprimé] / Waltner, Daniel, Auteur . - [S.l.] : springer, 2012 . - 182 Seiten ; 16*24 cm. - (Springer tracts in modern physics; Volume 245) .
ISBN : 978-3-642-24527-5 : 181,89 EUR
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel
Titre : Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Waltner, Daniel, Auteur Editeur : springer Année de publication : 2012 Collection : Springer tracts in modern physics num. Volume 245 Importance : 182 Seiten Format : 16*24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-24527-5 Prix : 181,89 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems : Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference [texte imprimé] / Waltner, Daniel, Auteur . - [S.l.] : springer, 2012 . - 182 Seiten ; 16*24 cm. - (Springer tracts in modern physics; Volume 245) .
ISBN : 978-3-642-24527-5 : 181,89 EUR
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Mesoskopisches System Chaotisches System Quantenchaos Quasiklassisches Modell Hochschulschrift Index. décimale : 530 WAL Résumé : This volume describes mesoscopic systems with classically chaotic dynamics using semiclassical methods which combine elements of classical dynamics and quantum interference effects. Experiments and numerical studies show that Random Matrix Theory (RMT) explains physical properties of these systems well. This was conjectured more than 25 years ago by Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit for the spectral properties. Since then, it has been a challenge to understand this connection analytically. The author offers his readers a clearly-written and up-to-date treatment of the topics covered. He extends previous semiclassical approaches that treated spectral and conductance properties. He shows that RMT results can in general only be obtained semiclassically when taking into account classical configurations not considered previously, for example those containing multiply traversed periodic orbits. Furthermore, semiclassics is capable of describing effects beyond RMT. In this context he studies the effect of a non-zero Ehrenfest time, which is the minimal time needed for an initially spatially localized wave packet to show interference. He derives its signature on several quantities characterizing mesoscopic systems, e. g. dc and ac conductance, dc conductance variance, n-pair correlation functions of scattering matrices and the gap in the density of states of Andreev billiards.
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel
PermalinkSemiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel
PermalinkSemiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems / Waltner, Daniel