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531.4 KOD
531 Solides, Masse et gravité, Poids, Mouvement (mécanique des solides)
531 DUB
531 GAT
531 MAG
531 NES
531 SAR
531 SEG
531.01 BAS
531.015 MIT
531.015 POT
531.05 PER
531.076 GRO
531.076 PHY
531.1 MEC
531.107 HEN
531.107 TEY
531.11 THI
531.113 4
531.113 LOW
531.176 DEV
531.2 comptabilité bancaire(crédit documentaire)
531.276 KRE
531.3 شيل
531.32 SAT
531.53 KHE
531 DUB
531 GAT
531 MAG
531 NES
531 SAR
531 SEG
531.01 BAS
531.015 MIT
531.015 POT
531.05 PER
531.076 GRO
531.076 PHY
531.1 MEC
531.107 HEN
531.107 TEY
531.11 THI
531.113 4
531.113 LOW
531.176 DEV
531.2 comptabilité bancaire(crédit documentaire)
531.276 KRE
531.3 شيل
531.32 SAT
531.53 KHE
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 531.4 KOD
Affiner la rechercheSolitons in Optical Communications / Akira, Hasegawa
Titre : Solitons in Optical Communications Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Akira, Hasegawa ; Yuji Kodama Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 1995 Importance : 320p Présentation : ill. Format : 16.5*24cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-856507-9 Note générale : Index;Bibliogr.p.(315-316) Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Optical Communications Index. décimale : 531.4 KOD Résumé : Solitons are a fascinating topic for study and a major source of interest for potential application in optical communication. Possibly the first observation of a soliton occurred in 1838 and was made by a clerical gentleman riding a horse along a canal towpath. When a barge under tow came to a stop alongside him the bow wave did not stop, but continued to travel on its own for several miles with no change in shape. At the time this unusual phenomenon was not
understood and remained unexplained. Interest was revived with the development of optical fibres and the realisation that at the high intensities possible in their very small cores the onset of non-linear effects could modify the propagation characteristics in a significant way. In a seminal paper in
1973 Hasegawa and Tappert solved a non-linear Schrodinger equation for fibre propagation and found solutions for solitary waves, i.e. solitons. Since then advances have been very rapid resulting in a much better understanding of a wide variety of soliton effects, and, crucially, the realisation that soliton propagation can be used to potentially great advantage in practical long-distance systems. There is, as a result, a wealth of theoretical and experimental research in progress all over the
world. At NTT (Japan) a pule-code-modulated soliton train has been transmitted at 10Gbit/s over one million kilometres with zero error! Perhaps all long-distance, large bandwidth communication problems have been solved for ever. This book gives a clear account of the theory and mathematics of
solitons travelling in optical fibres. It is written by the authority on the subject.Solitons in Optical Communications [texte imprimé] / Akira, Hasegawa ; Yuji Kodama . - [S.l.] : Oxford University Press, 1995 . - 320p : ill. ; 16.5*24cm.
ISBN : 978-0-19-856507-9
Langues : Français (fre)
Mots-clés : Optical Communications Index. décimale : 531.4 KOD Résumé : Solitons are a fascinating topic for study and a major source of interest for potential application in optical communication. Possibly the first observation of a soliton occurred in 1838 and was made by a clerical gentleman riding a horse along a canal towpath. When a barge under tow came to a stop alongside him the bow wave did not stop, but continued to travel on its own for several miles with no change in shape. At the time this unusual phenomenon was not
understood and remained unexplained. Interest was revived with the development of optical fibres and the realisation that at the high intensities possible in their very small cores the onset of non-linear effects could modify the propagation characteristics in a significant way. In a seminal paper in
1973 Hasegawa and Tappert solved a non-linear Schrodinger equation for fibre propagation and found solutions for solitary waves, i.e. solitons. Since then advances have been very rapid resulting in a much better understanding of a wide variety of soliton effects, and, crucially, the realisation that soliton propagation can be used to potentially great advantage in practical long-distance systems. There is, as a result, a wealth of theoretical and experimental research in progress all over the
world. At NTT (Japan) a pule-code-modulated soliton train has been transmitted at 10Gbit/s over one million kilometres with zero error! Perhaps all long-distance, large bandwidth communication problems have been solved for ever. This book gives a clear account of the theory and mathematics of
solitons travelling in optical fibres. It is written by the authority on the subject.Réservation
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