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543.5 NIN
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 543.5 NIN
Affiner la rechercheInterpretation of Organic Spectra / Yong-Cheng Ning
Titre : Interpretation of Organic Spectra Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Yong-Cheng Ning, Auteur ; Richard R. Ernst Editeur : Wiley-VCH Année de publication : 2011 Importance : 416 P Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 17*25cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-470-82516-7 Note générale : Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Organic Spectra Index. décimale : 543.5 NIN Résumé : Although there are a number of books in this field, most of them lack an introduction of comprehensive analysis of MS and IR spectra, and others do not provide up-to-date information like tandem MS. This book fills the gap. The merit of this book is that the author will not only introduce knowledge for analyzing nuclear magnetic resonance spectra including 1H spectra (Chapter 1), 13C spectra (Chapter 2) and 2D NMR spectra (Chapter 3), he also arms readers systemically with knowledge of Mass spectra (including EI MS spectra and MS spectra by using soft ionizations) (Chapter 4) and IR spectra (Chapter 5). In each chapter the author presents very practical application skills by providing various challenging examples. The last chapter (Chapter 6) provides the strategy, skills and methods on how to identify an unknown compound through a combination of spectra. Based on nearly 40 years researching and teaching experience, the author also proposes some original and creative ideas, which are very practical for spectral interpretation. Interpretation of Organic Spectra [texte imprimé] / Yong-Cheng Ning, Auteur ; Richard R. Ernst . - [S.l.] : Wiley-VCH, 2011 . - 416 P : couv. ill. ; 17*25cm.
ISBN : 978-0-470-82516-7
Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Organic Spectra Index. décimale : 543.5 NIN Résumé : Although there are a number of books in this field, most of them lack an introduction of comprehensive analysis of MS and IR spectra, and others do not provide up-to-date information like tandem MS. This book fills the gap. The merit of this book is that the author will not only introduce knowledge for analyzing nuclear magnetic resonance spectra including 1H spectra (Chapter 1), 13C spectra (Chapter 2) and 2D NMR spectra (Chapter 3), he also arms readers systemically with knowledge of Mass spectra (including EI MS spectra and MS spectra by using soft ionizations) (Chapter 4) and IR spectra (Chapter 5). In each chapter the author presents very practical application skills by providing various challenging examples. The last chapter (Chapter 6) provides the strategy, skills and methods on how to identify an unknown compound through a combination of spectra. Based on nearly 40 years researching and teaching experience, the author also proposes some original and creative ideas, which are very practical for spectral interpretation. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité FSEI16/023-2 543.5 NIN Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Chimie Disponible Interpretation of Organic Spectra / Yong-Cheng Ning
Titre : Interpretation of Organic Spectra Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Yong-Cheng Ning, Auteur ; Richard R. Ernst Editeur : Wiley-VCH Année de publication : 2011 Importance : 416 P Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 17*25cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-470-82516-7 Note générale : Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Organic Spectra Index. décimale : 543.5 NIN Résumé : Although there are a number of books in this field, most of them lack an introduction of comprehensive analysis of MS and IR spectra, and others do not provide up-to-date information like tandem MS. This book fills the gap. The merit of this book is that the author will not only introduce knowledge for analyzing nuclear magnetic resonance spectra including 1H spectra (Chapter 1), 13C spectra (Chapter 2) and 2D NMR spectra (Chapter 3), he also arms readers systemically with knowledge of Mass spectra (including EI MS spectra and MS spectra by using soft ionizations) (Chapter 4) and IR spectra (Chapter 5). In each chapter the author presents very practical application skills by providing various challenging examples. The last chapter (Chapter 6) provides the strategy, skills and methods on how to identify an unknown compound through a combination of spectra. Based on nearly 40 years researching and teaching experience, the author also proposes some original and creative ideas, which are very practical for spectral interpretation. Interpretation of Organic Spectra [texte imprimé] / Yong-Cheng Ning, Auteur ; Richard R. Ernst . - [S.l.] : Wiley-VCH, 2011 . - 416 P : couv. ill. ; 17*25cm.
ISBN : 978-0-470-82516-7
Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Organic Spectra Index. décimale : 543.5 NIN Résumé : Although there are a number of books in this field, most of them lack an introduction of comprehensive analysis of MS and IR spectra, and others do not provide up-to-date information like tandem MS. This book fills the gap. The merit of this book is that the author will not only introduce knowledge for analyzing nuclear magnetic resonance spectra including 1H spectra (Chapter 1), 13C spectra (Chapter 2) and 2D NMR spectra (Chapter 3), he also arms readers systemically with knowledge of Mass spectra (including EI MS spectra and MS spectra by using soft ionizations) (Chapter 4) and IR spectra (Chapter 5). In each chapter the author presents very practical application skills by providing various challenging examples. The last chapter (Chapter 6) provides the strategy, skills and methods on how to identify an unknown compound through a combination of spectra. Based on nearly 40 years researching and teaching experience, the author also proposes some original and creative ideas, which are very practical for spectral interpretation. Exemplaires
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