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621.381 SUK
621 Energies, machines et moteurs : Vapeur, Hydraulique, Energie thermique, Energie éolienne : moulins à vent, Energie solaire, Pétrole, Gaz
621.042 FRE
621.076 BOY
621.1 PER
621.1 ZAG
621.2 PLU
621.3 Electricité (sauf électricité domestique), Electronique
621.3 KOL
621.31 BLU
621.312 134
621.34 معي
621.35 Electronique
621.36 LAB
621.36 WEI
621.367 02855746
621.367 PRO
621.37 DEL
621.38 Electronique appliquées à la communication et à la reproduction du son et de l'image : Télécommunications, Télégraphe, Téléphone; Radio, CB, Autoradio, Magnétophone, Magnétoscope, Télévision, Radar, Sonar, Fax, Télécopie
621.38 DUV
621.38 MAY
621.38 PLA
621.38 ROU
621.381 BAB
621.381 DAT
621.381 FER
621.381 FIS
621.381 MER
621.381 MOL
621.382 20151
621.382 75
621.382 BON
621.383 WAL
621.384 56
621.395 RFI
621.402 5
621.48 Energie nucléaire, Pollution et déchets nucléaires
621.483 BER
621.483 COM
621.483 GIN
621.483 REA
621.042 FRE
621.076 BOY
621.1 PER
621.1 ZAG
621.2 PLU
621.3 Electricité (sauf électricité domestique), Electronique
621.3 KOL
621.31 BLU
621.312 134
621.34 معي
621.35 Electronique
621.36 LAB
621.36 WEI
621.367 02855746
621.367 PRO
621.37 DEL
621.38 Electronique appliquées à la communication et à la reproduction du son et de l'image : Télécommunications, Télégraphe, Téléphone; Radio, CB, Autoradio, Magnétophone, Magnétoscope, Télévision, Radar, Sonar, Fax, Télécopie
621.38 DUV
621.38 MAY
621.38 PLA
621.38 ROU
621.381 BAB
621.381 DAT
621.381 FER
621.381 FIS
621.381 MER
621.381 MOL
621.382 20151
621.382 75
621.382 BON
621.383 WAL
621.384 56
621.395 RFI
621.402 5
621.48 Energie nucléaire, Pollution et déchets nucléaires
621.483 BER
621.483 COM
621.483 GIN
621.483 REA
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 621.381 SUK
Affiner la recherchePhotonic Crystals / Igor A. Sukhoivanov
Titre : Photonic Crystals : Physics and Practical Modeling Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Igor A. Sukhoivanov ; Igor V. Guryev Editeur : springer Année de publication : 2009 Collection : Springer seris in optical sciences 152 Importance : 242 p Présentation : couv. ill. en coul. Format : 15.5x23.5 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-42074-0 Prix : 149,98 € Note générale : Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Photonic Crystals Index. décimale : 621.381 SUK Résumé : The great interest in photonic crystals and their applications in the last 15 years is being expressed in the publishing of a large number of monographs, collections, textbooks and tutorials, where existing knowledge concerning - eration principles of photonic crystal devices and microstructured ?bers, their mathematicaldescription,well-knownandnovelapplicationsofsuchtechno- gies in photonics and optical communications are presented. They challenges authors of new books to cover the gaps still existing in the literature and highlight and popularize of already known material in a new and original manner. Authorsofthisbookbelievethatthenextsteptowardswideapplicationof photoniccrystalsisthesolutionofmanypracticalproblemsofdesignandc- putation of the speci?c photonic crystal-based devices aimed at the speci?c technicalapplication.Inordertomakethisstep,itisnecessarytoincreasethe number of practitioners who can solve such problems independently. The aim of this book is to extend the group of researchers, developers and students, who could practically use the knowledge on the physics of photonic crystals together with the knowledge and skills of independent calculation of basic characteristics of photonic crystals and modeling of various elements of - tegrated circuits and optical communication systems created on the basis of photonic crystals. The book is intended for quali?ed readers, specialists in the ?eld of optics and photonics, students of higher courses, master degree students and PhD students. As an introduction to the snopest, the book contains the basics of wave optics and radiation propagation in simple guiding media such as planar waveguides and step-index ?bers. Photonic Crystals : Physics and Practical Modeling [texte imprimé] / Igor A. Sukhoivanov ; Igor V. Guryev . - [S.l.] : springer, 2009 . - 242 p : couv. ill. en coul. ; 15.5x23.5 cm. - (Springer seris in optical sciences 152) .
ISBN : 978-3-642-42074-0 : 149,98 €
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Photonic Crystals Index. décimale : 621.381 SUK Résumé : The great interest in photonic crystals and their applications in the last 15 years is being expressed in the publishing of a large number of monographs, collections, textbooks and tutorials, where existing knowledge concerning - eration principles of photonic crystal devices and microstructured ?bers, their mathematicaldescription,well-knownandnovelapplicationsofsuchtechno- gies in photonics and optical communications are presented. They challenges authors of new books to cover the gaps still existing in the literature and highlight and popularize of already known material in a new and original manner. Authorsofthisbookbelievethatthenextsteptowardswideapplicationof photoniccrystalsisthesolutionofmanypracticalproblemsofdesignandc- putation of the speci?c photonic crystal-based devices aimed at the speci?c technicalapplication.Inordertomakethisstep,itisnecessarytoincreasethe number of practitioners who can solve such problems independently. The aim of this book is to extend the group of researchers, developers and students, who could practically use the knowledge on the physics of photonic crystals together with the knowledge and skills of independent calculation of basic characteristics of photonic crystals and modeling of various elements of - tegrated circuits and optical communication systems created on the basis of photonic crystals. The book is intended for quali?ed readers, specialists in the ?eld of optics and photonics, students of higher courses, master degree students and PhD students. As an introduction to the snopest, the book contains the basics of wave optics and radiation propagation in simple guiding media such as planar waveguides and step-index ?bers. Réservation
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