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531.276 KRE
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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 531.113 LOW
Affiner la recherchePseudochaotic Kicked Oscillators / John H. Lowenstein
Titre : Pseudochaotic Kicked Oscillators : Renormalization, Symbolic Dynamics, and Transport Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : John H. Lowenstein Editeur : Berlin : Springer Année de publication : 2012 Importance : 215 p Présentation : couv. ill. en coul Format : 24*16 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-642-28153-2 Note générale : Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Renormalization, Symbolic Dynamics, and Transport Index. décimale : 531.113 LOW Résumé : "Pseudochaotic Kicked Oscillators: Renormalization, Symbolic Dynamics, and Transport" presents recent developments in pseudochaos, which is concerned with complex branching behaviors of dynamical systems at the interface between orderly and chaotic motion. Pseudochaos is characterized by the trapping of orbits in the vicinity of self-similar hierarchies of islands of stability, producing phase-space displacements which increase asymptotically as a power of time. This monograph is a thorough, self-contained investigation of a simple one-dimensional model (a kicked harmonic oscillator) which exhibits pseudochaos in its purest form. It is intended for graduate students and researchers in physics and applied mathematics, as well as specialists in nonlinear dynamics. Pseudochaotic Kicked Oscillators : Renormalization, Symbolic Dynamics, and Transport [texte imprimé] / John H. Lowenstein . - Berlin : Springer, 2012 . - 215 p : couv. ill. en coul ; 24*16 cm.
ISBN : 978-3-642-28153-2
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Renormalization, Symbolic Dynamics, and Transport Index. décimale : 531.113 LOW Résumé : "Pseudochaotic Kicked Oscillators: Renormalization, Symbolic Dynamics, and Transport" presents recent developments in pseudochaos, which is concerned with complex branching behaviors of dynamical systems at the interface between orderly and chaotic motion. Pseudochaos is characterized by the trapping of orbits in the vicinity of self-similar hierarchies of islands of stability, producing phase-space displacements which increase asymptotically as a power of time. This monograph is a thorough, self-contained investigation of a simple one-dimensional model (a kicked harmonic oscillator) which exhibits pseudochaos in its purest form. It is intended for graduate students and researchers in physics and applied mathematics, as well as specialists in nonlinear dynamics. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité BC2014/4418-7 531.113 LOW Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Disponible BC2014/4418-6 531.113 LOW Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Disponible BC2014/4418-5 531.113 LOW Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Disponible BC2014/4418-1 BC.05-07-094 Ouvrage Bibliothèque Universitaire Centrale Physique Exclu du prêt BC2014/4418-2 BC.05-07-094 Ouvrage Bibliothèque Universitaire Centrale Physique Disponible BC2014/4418-3 BC.05-07-094 Ouvrage Bibliothèque Universitaire Centrale Physique Disponible