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531.32 SAT
531 Solides, Masse et gravité, Poids, Mouvement (mécanique des solides)
531 DUB
531 GAT
531 MAG
531 NES
531 SAR
531 SEG
531.01 BAS
531.015 MIT
531.015 POT
531.05 PER
531.076 GRO
531.076 PHY
531.1 MEC
531.107 HEN
531.107 TEY
531.11 THI
531.113 4
531.113 LOW
531.176 DEV
531.2 comptabilité bancaire(crédit documentaire)
531.276 KRE
531.3 شيل
531.4 KOD
531.53 KHE
531 DUB
531 GAT
531 MAG
531 NES
531 SAR
531 SEG
531.01 BAS
531.015 MIT
531.015 POT
531.05 PER
531.076 GRO
531.076 PHY
531.1 MEC
531.107 HEN
531.107 TEY
531.11 THI
531.113 4
531.113 LOW
531.176 DEV
531.2 comptabilité bancaire(crédit documentaire)
531.276 KRE
531.3 شيل
531.4 KOD
531.53 KHE
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 531.32 SAT
Affiner la rechercheAn Introduction to Waves and Oscillations in the Sun / Narayanan, A. Satya
Titre : An Introduction to Waves and Oscillations in the Sun Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Narayanan, A. Satya Editeur : Berlin : Springer Année de publication : 2013 Importance : 222p Présentation : couv. ill. en coul Format : 24cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-461-44399-5 Note générale : Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Waves Oscillations the Sun Index. décimale : 531.32 SAT Résumé : “An Introduction to Waves and Oscillations in the Sun” is intended for students and researchers who work in the area of solar and astrophysics. This book contains an introduction to the Sun, basics of electrodynamics, magneto-hydrodynamics for force-free and current-free fields. It deals with waves in uniform media with relevance to sound waves and Alfven waves, and with waves in non-uniform media like surface waves or waves in a slab and cylindrical geometry. It also touches on instabilities in fluids and observational signatures of oscillations. Finally, there is an introduction to the area of helio-seismology, which deals with the internal structure of the Sun. An Introduction to Waves and Oscillations in the Sun [texte imprimé] / Narayanan, A. Satya . - Berlin : Springer, 2013 . - 222p : couv. ill. en coul ; 24cm.
ISBN : 978-1-461-44399-5
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Waves Oscillations the Sun Index. décimale : 531.32 SAT Résumé : “An Introduction to Waves and Oscillations in the Sun” is intended for students and researchers who work in the area of solar and astrophysics. This book contains an introduction to the Sun, basics of electrodynamics, magneto-hydrodynamics for force-free and current-free fields. It deals with waves in uniform media with relevance to sound waves and Alfven waves, and with waves in non-uniform media like surface waves or waves in a slab and cylindrical geometry. It also touches on instabilities in fluids and observational signatures of oscillations. Finally, there is an introduction to the area of helio-seismology, which deals with the internal structure of the Sun. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité BC2014/4112-6 531.32 SAT Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Disponible BC2014/4112-7 531.32 SAT Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Disponible BC2014/4112-5 531.32 SAT Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Disponible BC2014/4112-4 531.32 SAT Ouvrage Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique Physique Exclu du prêt BC2014/4112-2 BC.05-07-061 Ouvrage Bibliothèque Universitaire Centrale Physique Disponible BC2014/4112-3 BC.05-07-061 Ouvrage Bibliothèque Universitaire Centrale Physique Disponible BC2014/4112-1 BC.05-07-061 Ouvrage Bibliothèque Universitaire Centrale Physique Exclu du prêt